Error : unarc.dll error code -11

January 21, 2025 - Reading time: 38 minutes

If you are attempting to install a program, especially if its been compressed by a 3rd party, and get the error " unarc.dll error code -11", try the following easy fix...

Right click This PC in Windows/File Explorer

Select Properties, then select Advanced System Settings.

Click Settings under Performance.

In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.

Click "Custom", and in the Initial Size enter a figure - I have 400 set there, and then under Maximum, enter a larger figure, I set mine to 16000. (400MB and 16GB)

Click OK a few times and restart your PC.

Once you are logged back in, try running the program setup file again and it should run.


XPD /FastRaccoon / Gavin
Geek from the Amiga days

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