Tag Archives: internet

Quic is quick

So I recently put in a request to move my connection with Quic internet to our new house, and cancel our old connection. Guess what ? They got it right in one go, no hassles, no having to contact them to move my static IP or anything, just plugged my router into the ONT, and… Read More »

2 Degrees downfall

As per one of my previous posts, 2Degrees started on a downhill slide, which people are/were hoping to be a temporary thing while 2D sorted out all the networks they bought into. Unfortunately the problems are still on going, and people are bailing from anything related to 2Degrees (Orcon, Slingshot), left right and center. Multiple… Read More »

Vocus owned ISPs… support ?

Vocus Group is now tied up with multiple NZ ISP’s, 2Egrees, Call Plus, Orcon etc…. thats fine, they do generally have a good network. But one thing that has been sorely fucked up by these mergers, is the support and customer service. Recently, I was migrated to a different platform for my 2Degrees connection. And… Read More »